Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Looking backwards into the future

I've been making a list of topics that I want to talk about for a while now and it's getting long but for now it's time to wrap up the year and reflect on what has happened; yet, with an eye to the what the future may hold as well.  For me I have ended a lot of chapters in 2013.  I've taken my oldest daughter across the country to begin her adult life after college in her first "real" job, I've taken my youngest daughter half way across the country to go to the school of her dreams and take the next step to beginning her career, we sold the house we raised those same girls in and moved across the state — in the opposite direction of those same said girls — and left behind family, friends and all familiar things.  It's bittersweet on one hand, but it's also exciting and I'm ready for the challenge and the change.  It's easy to get into a rut and wrap up in the comfort of all we know and without realizing it, years have gone by.  I have been restless and stifled for quite some time and now I feel like life is an adventure again.  There are a lot of dog-eared and stained pages in the book of my life before this but now I feel I'm looking at clean blank pages that are ready to have a new story written on them.  I'm still me, my family is still the same and I'd do anything and everything for them, but I have the opportunity to do new things for myself as well.

I'm going to continue baking because I love it.  I'm still going to study my Bible and love the Lord fully.  I'm still going to be particular about the way things are kept around my house and make sure the bed is made without any wrinkles.  I'm still going to carry Libby around all the time and take her with me every where I go.  I'm still going to love, enjoy, worry about, talk with, love, miss, and did I say love, my girls.  With all of that I'm also going to work harder on my marriage but with the wisdom to know that I can only do what I can do and leave the rest alone.  I'm going to take my health more seriously while I still can.  I'm going to go on adventures outdoors even if it is just a couple miles from home.  I'm going to finish organizing my pictures and videos; finally finishing my scrapbooks.  I'm going to enjoy the crafts and projects that I do without feeling guilty about the time I spend on them.  I will learn new skills.  I will be stronger to advocate what I care about.

There are going to be challenges - I can already see one or two coming on the horizon that's like watching a storm rolling in.  However, I'm going to do my best to take a deep breath and walk through it knowing I'm not alone and "it will all work out for the good of those who are called according to His purpose" which is who I am.

Before I know it, 2014 will be over and I'll be reflecting back on all of what is about to come.  So I'm going to walk forward and make good memories on purpose!  

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